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Sacred Studies
A Bible and cross

The Sacred Studies Department at Delone Catholic is committed to handing on the Catholic Faith in a manner that is faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, rigorous in content, and understandable for today’s High School youth.

The Catechists at Delone Catholic strive to hand on the Word of God authentically so that our students are equipped to be courageous disciples of Christ and “doers of the Word,” both now and in the future.

All students at Delone Catholic are required to take a Religion class every year. 

  • Our ninth-grade students begin their study with "Foundations of the Faith," which provides a thorough overview of the basic tenets of Catholic Church teaching.
  • In tenth grade, our students study the Bible in-depth, with an emphasis on how every book of the Bible connects to the one story of salvation that God hands on to us through His inspired Word.
  • The topic for the year in eleventh grade is Catholic Morality, and
  • In twelfth grade, the year is split between a study of Christian Vocations and Catholic Church History.

Through each of these classes, we strive to provide our students with both the intellectual and spiritual means to develop a deep and mature life of faith and to become witnesses of Christ to the world.

2024-25 Course Catalog