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Delone Catholic Athletic Association and Notre Dame Club of Gettysburg Plan Cash Bingos

  • Fundraisers
Delone Catholic Athletic Association and Notre Dame Club of Gettysburg Plan Cash Bingos

The Delone Catholic Athletic Association and the Notre Dame Club of Gettysburg have planned three upcoming cash bingos: Feb. 22, March 22, and April 26.

Doors open at 4 p.m. Dinner is served from 5-6:15 p.m. Bingo starts at 6:30 p.m.

The ticket costs $20 and includes a roast turkey platter and 20 games of regular bingo, which pay out $50 per game. Specials and speed bingo games are also available. Door prizes will be awarded.

No children under the age of six are permitted.

To purchase tickets, please call Patty at 717-451-7618.